Sunday, June 23, 2013

#ISTE13 My Take On Day 1 (Saturday, June 22)

The educational technology world converges in San Antonio, TX for June 22-26 to discuss my favorite topic, How to meet students where they are. Ok, well, maybe that’s not the exact topic, but essentially, everything discussed here will be used to enahnce or revamp the way we teach using technology while the students become the focal point of that learning.

The game-plan is to provide a synopsis of my daily adventure by highlighted useful tools that I pumped about and for sure will test out in some way in the classrooms that I have an impact on. With today being the unofficial opening of the conference, I only took advantage of one session, but it was pretty worthwhile. It was more of a meet and greet gathering for mobile device enthusiast who wanted to share ideas about effective uses of mobile applications. I took aways some nuggets that seem perfect for the mobile environment we are creating in Dallas. Here are a few:

Today's Meet (live blogging/conversation tool) (like CoverIt Live!) This tool provides an online chatroom for students to collaborate and discuss live during local events, collaborative sessions, simultaneous video viewing, etc.

Puffin (allows flash on iPad) Great for 1:1 ipad school wishing to use videos that are built with flash.

QR Rafter qr and barcode reader that also allows you to generate you own qr codes from your phone or ipad. I use QR codes often, but here are a few suggestions from the discussion: Visit website tutorials, student portfolios, website links for small kids.

iSchool Initiative (mobile deployment for students) (This is the program with the bus) I actually had a chance to sit down with this group and discuss 1:1 deployment issues and solutions that enhance success opportunities for any program. Some of the suggestions that I plan to look further into are
Air Watch; a mobile device management system (MDM). According to their site the 

AirWatch Agent provides complete mobility management for your entire fleet of iOS devices deployed across your enterprise. AirWatch provides your IT department with the ability to quickly enroll devices in your enterprise environment, configure and update device settings over-the-air, enforce security policies and compliance, secure mobile access to corporate resources, and remotely lock and wipe managed devices. 

The other is Ruckus Wireless in order to address our wifi solutions. Now, iSchool Initiative was founded by a 17 year old kid, Travis Allen (Now 20 I believe), who realized that schools needed to change their approach to teaching because he was denied the opportunity to use the tools that he knew best in a classroom setting. He believes as I do that we need to meet our students where they are and bring their technology in a learning platform. Here is the video that got him started.

Here is the current video:

I enjoyed day number 1 and I'm very excited about the days to come.

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