Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reengaging Students in Research and Reporting

I was having a conversation with a school librarian, excuse me, Media Specialist the other day and we were discussing research projects and how students rarely use the reference materials on the library shelves. With today's digital child, we both understood, but we were prompted to brainstorm ways to spice up research in schools along with how students would present what they learned. Well, I ran across something that I thought would be quite intriguing, Storify. Storify is allows a user to curate social networks to come up with a "Social Story" that brings together media scattered all over the web into a comprehensible piece narrated by the logical understanding of the user. Imagine, students would be able to comb various social sites, congregate meaningful tweets, Facebook post, google+ shouts, and put his/her own voice to convey a meaning to it all. Students can embed video and relative stories while adding headlines and text within. What you end up with is a meaningful, real-life, and engaging research paper and presentation in one neatly put together space and you can even go viral with the finish product to accumulate more knowledge. I truly believe that in order to reach today's student, we have to meet them where they are, I believe this could possibly be a tool that would do just that.

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