The thing that leaves the worst taste in my mouth when I talk to teachers about technology is how intimidating new products are or I hear that the learning curve is too high. Well, check these students out as they master the iPad.
Now, talking for these kids seems to be a bit of an issue, but imagine how well they could communicate using devices like the iPad.
Now, the little girl above is simply leaning cause and effect, while full comprehension is lacking. However, she is already a problem solver. So is this next little girl. Supposedly, this is her first experience with the iPad, but check out how she figures our how to manipulate the device. Obviously, she has had some exposure to technology as she intuitively swipes through the pages, but her lack of fear creates amazing discoveries.
Forgive the mess in the house on this video. Just check out the excitement that comes with discovery and play.
So, if they can do it, so can you my fellow teachers. Once, TAKS is completely done, I'll spend more time sharing great apps for all your handheld devices that you may be using in the classroom. Don't worry, you'll catch on.