As many of the Thompson family understand already, technology in education is a heavy passion of mine. This year, considering the Lord still has me at Thompson, it behooves me to share my passion with our complete staff and the rest of the world. Now, I realize that I'm still an amateur compared to the technological savvy educators across the globe, but it's time that the collaboration of ideas to begin; starting here with you. I've taken it upon myself to begin this blog as a communication device to begin sharing the "Cool and Drool" of technology applications being used in classrooms across the globe and provide way to implement each tool in your curriculum at each grade level. Don't think that the same tool that is being used for a 6th grade student can't be adapted for the kindergartner. The 5 year old may pick up on it faster.

I will also offer video tutorials that will post to this blog and my class website to help guide you along the way. In addition, we will convene every 3-6 weeks to for "Tech Talk and Take On", where lessons will be provided for hands-on learning as new tools are steadily being introduced and applied.
This is going to be a terrific year and we plan to lead the way in Mesquite as the true 21st century school.